Sunday, March 25, 2012

old school

Lately I've been listening to allot of old school, from Johnhy Cash to stuff like Guns and Roses and of course one of my favorite bands to listen to, the Beatles, and it got me thinking, first how good and talented all theese old musiciens were and it got me asking myself questions like why don't they still make songs like theese anymore, and why are people from the new generation such as myself so hid from this great music. The other day I has in a store, and the radio started playing the song, hear comes the sun by the Beatles and a friend of mine and some other people I new started complaning and asking me what the music was, and I almost flipped, I could not beleive that they didint even know what or whom the Beatles were. But luckely I know allot of great people that have introduced theese types of music to me from the time I was young all the way to now, and people are still introducing me to new bands, old songs and all that fun stuff.

The thing I personally love about the two genres of rock and country is how the music has the power to take over your mind and let you feel the music deep inside your sole, and those chills you get when you hear something amazing, and how certain songs will make you think about yourself or about the world around you. You just don't get that with pop or others in that feild. Its to bad that people don't hear old school rock and country that much in the stores and in movies or even just playing around town anymore. It is a shame.

So we are reaching the end of my second post, I appreciate your comment and i hope to read more of your thoughts on this sudject. If you have any segestions of song or music, please right them down one the comments, it would rock to hear what you guys are into.   Thank you all and see you next week.


  1. Sadly, I can't feel this amazing music in my soul...if you know what I mean ;P I would love to tell you what kind of music I like, but I'm sure you already know :P But I love rock and some of the classic stuff, but I'm more into metal, like A7X or Metallica.

    1. I know your more into metal and that. but i know that even you like some old rock, eh eh :)
