Sunday, May 27, 2012


Hello everyone, it seems that this is the final blog of the meny blogs I have done. I had allot of fun sharing my opinions on subjects revolving around rock and country music through my blogs. As this is my last blog I would like to talk about what music in generald means to myself and also, to people I have talked to and known.

Music is a source of hapiness, sadness, anger, and allot of other emotions. Its a global art, no matter were you live, or who you are, rich or poor. Music is always there to listen to and to play out loud, you can play it as loud as you want to until you piss your neighbors of to much. But thats all in the fun right. Everyone has there own preferences of music, of course mine are country and rock, but mot everyones like me. Music is also an art that is centuries old. It has helped countless people in many different situations, and will never go away in life. I hope that music old and new, continues to live for generations to come.

I do apologize for not putting as much news updates as I should have, and if I had more time I would have more updates. But this is my last blog, but before I go, I would really like to pay tribute to all those artist either rock or country, that have died and changed the world of music forever, may thay rest in peace, and may there music live on forever. If you have any artist that you would like to tribute please comment.

Well, bye everyone. Thank you for reading. Please leave comments.  :)  

Sunday, May 13, 2012

In every song, in every rythym no matter if its rock, country, or any other types of genres related to those two. For this blog I decided to pay tribute to all the best guitarist, accoustic or electric. Some of these guitarist have changed the way we play music forever. The art of playing guitar is usualy divided into different styles, styles like blues, fingerpicking, rock, jazz, western, latin, flamingo, ect. Theese different styles affect allot of different aspects in the way a guitarist plays there music. Some players decide to play only one style but most player would rather be more diverse in there playing, so they learn to play allot of styles.

There are also allot of different types of guitars. I personally like my steel string acoustic, its a very diverse guitar. There is also the blues guitar, the classical, the mandolin but the mandolin is more of a different instrument than a guitar.

There are allot of very famous guitarist out there alot will never be fogoten because of the fact of how much they changed the way we learn and play now days. There are to many to name but they were all great.

Thats it for this week. Thanks for reading, bye,   :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Please note:  These are my opinions. Not yours. But i know there are people whom feel the same way.

It seems that the music industry thinks its alright to make music that makes no sense, music that just pollutes are minds and leads to a bunch of stupid crap. Gosh, in the industry of pop and hip hop anybody can get a record deal if you can work a computer and make a couple of lyrics, you dont even have to make a full song just repeat the same lyrics over and over again, it seems to work great for a good bunch of them. You don't even have to be a good singer, I mean for heavens sake, if they already let in a guy that sounds like he got kicked by a donkey in his man parts and a bunch of people that can't even sing one note.

But thats why still have the good music. Music made by artist that work hard almost all their lives to get to where they are now. The music of country and rock will long out live these pop songs that last a month before people move on to the next best thing. Personaly country is my all time favorite genre, but rock is right up there close to it. 

To all you rock and country fans out there. Don't lose hope. Rock and country will come back as one of the top best music genres, just like it was years ago. 

Thanks for reading and please leave your comments.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Emerson Drive

This week I thought that I would write a blog about one of my favorite country band. Emerson Drive.

Emerson Drive is a canadien country music band established in Alberta but each member of the band is born from a different province. The band has been making great country music for about a decade, and before that they made their living playing in bars hoping that they would make it big, and well they did and today they are a very well known band in North America. The band has 5 members, the lead vocalist Brad Mates, Dale Wallace keys and back ground vocalist, Danick Dupelle lead guitar and back ground vocal, David Pichette on the fiddle and Mike Melancon on drums.

 "We have been playing music our entire lives," explains lead vocalist Brad Mates. "None of us can imagine doing anything else. We belong together on that stage each night. It's exciting for us to see what we have accomplished so far and to be planning for the next decade. This is still just the beginning!"

Emerson Drive have won their share of awards during the decade that they have been performing. As well as some top of the charts songs in country music, such as the songs: Beleive, Moments, Fall into me, Good man, and their latest song Sleep it off. The band is doing well in all of North America. The band is performing here in Windsor in June at Beaverfest.

Thanks for reading.   

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Concerts, they can be alot of fun and allot of hell. Sometimes you get some of those rock concerts that get a little out of control, like in some concerts they have these moshpits, moshpits are usualy these huge brawls, trusts me you do not want to be in the verry middle of a moshpit you will get really mested up. But there are alot of concerts that are alot of fun, some that are just all about a huge party that just gets more and more fun as the night goes by, those are some of the concerts that I love the most.

Here are some of the concerts around in this area. First of all, there's the Rock n' Rodeo in Essex with Dean Brody performing, Beaverfest in coming to windsor river front in june there will be the following bands playing: Three Days Grace, The Trews, Puddle of Mud, Honneymoon Suite, Doc Walker and Emerson Drive. Beaverfest is going to be a great concert, I can't afford the tickets so I'm probably going to be one of those peoples trying to get as close as I can to the concert to be able to hear the music. Oh, and i almost forgot about that one Nickelback concert at Ford Feild in Detroit.

Ok, well thats it for this week, thanks and bye. 


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This week I'll be blogging about the results of the Academy of Country Music Awards, different styles of both rock and country and maybe about my personal favorite types of music.

The results for the A.C.M.A were unexpected to me, I personaly thought that the winners of the group of the year were going to be Zack Brown Band, but instead it ended up going to Lady Antebelum there also a good band, but i personnaly like Zack Brown Band's music alot better. Male entertainer of the year went to Blake Shelton, Blake is also a judge on the hit show The Voice as well as being married to this years female entertainer Miranda Lambert. One of the highest awards of the A.C.M.A, entertainer of the year went to Taylor Swift.

On to styles. Styles are what separate artists from other artists. Styles are what make the different moods in every song. For example: In rock, different older musician such Led Zeppelin, Guns N Roses, and Beattles, have all their own styles. Same goes with country music, there are different styles such as Western, Rock Country, Folk Country and many others.

Well now, we're coming to the end of this week's blog. I hope you enjoyed it, I'd love to read comments about my blog.

Thank you all and see you next week.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

country :)

Well my last blogs have been talking a lot about rock and I feel that I've been neglecting country a bit, and I can't do that. After all, country is my favorite genre next to rock. so this blog will be completally dedicated to the wonderfull creation that is country music.

Let's start off with what country means to me, well I grew up listening to country, from the time I was a little boy all the way to now. Country music is not really as popular as other genres are in this part of North America, I barely even hear the music anywhere, theres not much teens that listen to it unfortunetaly for those who do like country. But have no fear there are still places down hear in Essex that still love country music and proudly play it in there bars such as the famous Bowl 'n Barrol bar and grill downtown, the bar is a hot spot for country music concerts and it also plays country all night long on the radio. But unfortunetly for me I'm not old enough to get into the bar. So they have other places in Essex that have concerts like the annual rock 'n rodeo in Essex May 18, 19 and 20,I expect to attend this event. 

Just a little news for those people whom do like country, the Academy of Country Music Awards are on April 2. I'll be watching I hope that Zack Brown Band wins group of the year. 

Well thats it for today, I'm so glad that I finally got to write about country. Thanks for reading, and I hope to read some of your comments. Thanks :)        

guitar solos

In every good song in both types of music, rock and country, their is a section that is made to be the biggest bang of the song, and is used to showcase the great talents of the musician. The guitar solo. The guitar solo is usually played on an electric guitar but can also be played on an acoustic guitar. The electric guitar is more commonly used in both rock and country music because it makes a bigger impact in the song, the solo is usually filled with passion, skill and the musician's own unique style.

Some of my favorite rock guitar solos are Eruption by Van Halen, Stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin, Novembre rain by Guns n' Roses, Heart breaker by Led Zeppelin. Rock is usually more known as having the best guitar solos but country does have its own amazing guitar solos. Country solos are a bit different from the rock solos because of the style that is used in the solos, in some solos there is more of a western feel to the solo such as the song Eastwood by Brad Paisley.

So thats it for todays blog, thanks for reading. I look forward to reading your comments. The next blog will be more about country music, news updates and the all around genre of country music. Again, thanks for reading.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

old school

Lately I've been listening to allot of old school, from Johnhy Cash to stuff like Guns and Roses and of course one of my favorite bands to listen to, the Beatles, and it got me thinking, first how good and talented all theese old musiciens were and it got me asking myself questions like why don't they still make songs like theese anymore, and why are people from the new generation such as myself so hid from this great music. The other day I has in a store, and the radio started playing the song, hear comes the sun by the Beatles and a friend of mine and some other people I new started complaning and asking me what the music was, and I almost flipped, I could not beleive that they didint even know what or whom the Beatles were. But luckely I know allot of great people that have introduced theese types of music to me from the time I was young all the way to now, and people are still introducing me to new bands, old songs and all that fun stuff.

The thing I personally love about the two genres of rock and country is how the music has the power to take over your mind and let you feel the music deep inside your sole, and those chills you get when you hear something amazing, and how certain songs will make you think about yourself or about the world around you. You just don't get that with pop or others in that feild. Its to bad that people don't hear old school rock and country that much in the stores and in movies or even just playing around town anymore. It is a shame.

So we are reaching the end of my second post, I appreciate your comment and i hope to read more of your thoughts on this sudject. If you have any segestions of song or music, please right them down one the comments, it would rock to hear what you guys are into.   Thank you all and see you next week.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Welcome to my blog, I will be posting about two of my personal favorite genres of music, rock and country music. I love to pick on my guitar and listen to the old school music and the new stuff.  I be bloging about the history of it all and the deferences with other genres of music, I'll also be bloging about some of the artist that have highly influenced the two genres of music.

Rock and Country music have been around for a really long time, longer then most of the current music such as pop, hip hop and all those other genres in that domaine. Yet it seems that rock and country both take a back seat in the popularity of todays music world. Why? I don't know, you would think that the music that started it all would keep being pretty high on the popularity charts.

 Athough there are alot of people that listen to these genres, there are still a higher amount of people that are hugely into pop music, why, I don't know why, the music it self I don't think is not that good, its verry repetitive and some of the lyrics don't make much sense either. Yet somehow people are verry drawn to this music. Well thats just my opinion.

I will always be into rock and country, I grew up on listening to country and rock, and I love it.

See you all next week.